7 things I learned about Digital Marketing from a Brick and Mortar business
19 Jun

Seven things I learned about Digital Marketing from a Brick & Mortar Business

I went to the mall recently.  Clearly retail business for the most part is struggling.  There weren’t many people there, many of the stores were empty.  Most things are done in the same old way it’s been done for years. There was one exception.  A technology store that sells phones, tablets, and computers. You know […]

Digital Marketing Plans | KDROM Enterprises
02 Apr

How many digital marketing plans should I have?

As many as you have target customer groups.  Here are some tips. You should have a digital marketing plan for each type of customer (or target audience) you intend to chase, that is fundamentally different from each other.  This pertains to the customer journey, how they move from suspect to prospect to customer.  There may […]

Buyer Persona can make an impact
10 Jan

Buyer Persona can make an impact

A lot of times we are asked the question, “Can building a Buyer Persona make an impact on my business?”    Of course, the answer we reply is “Yes.”  However, it’s hard to understand sometimes as an abstract concept and it can help to understand with a few real-life examples.  Here is one such experience I […]